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4 Ways to Bring Efficiency Back Into Your Office Space

4 Ways to Bring Efficiency Back Into Your Office Space

Office space is one of the most valuable assets that a business has – because, among other things, it’s not a quick process to get more of it. If your office is currently feeling cramped and inefficient, here are some things you can get started on today to bring back the efficiency you used to have.

Move File Storage to the Cloud

File cabinets are big, ugly pieces of furniture, so it’s no surprise that businesses often shove them as far away as possible. However, research into the matter has suggested that as much as 80% of the papers and information generated by a business are never used again… and if you’re in the habit of documenting everything, then it’s time to start saving things electronically.

New systems exist that can convert old paper documents into electronic files – more advanced versions even allow you to search through documents by the words contained within. Doing this will allow you to get rid of all your old file cabinets (or at least keep only the papers and documents you actually use), and that in turn will free up office space that you can put to more productive uses.

Repurpose Conference Rooms

There’s no denying the value of a good meeting – making sure everyone’s on the same page, understands the company’s direction, and knows what everyone else is doing is critical to success. On the other hand, most conference rooms aren’t used for more than a small amount of time each day, so try repurposing one or more of these areas.

Recent trends in this direction include huddle rooms (smaller meeting spaces) and areas where standup tables can quickly be shifted around so people can talk to each other. This is particularly helpful if you have people that are frequently in meetings together – allowing them to work in close proximity and adjust things as necessary can have a truly positive effect on our day-to-day operations.

Tune Up Your Technology

Everybody loves it when someone else gets to take care of the hard stuff – and tuning up your technology can take a big load off of your shoulders. Cloud-based platforms offer core services like bookkeeping and word processing, and your provider will take care of upgrading both hardware on software on a regular basis so you don’t have to. Meanwhile, products like Mondopads can completely change the way you collaborate and communicate both within the office and with customers from around the world.

Most cloud-based services will cost far less than paying for things on your own – so whether you’re just starting up or looking for ways to free up some cash, tuning up your technology is definitely worth looking into.

Stop Multitasking

Trust us on this one – many people believe they’re good at multitasking, but what they’re actually doing is rapidly shifting between different topics. However, this takes precious seconds each time they can do it, and that can add up to dozens of hours of lost performance. Allowing employees to focus on just one or two tasks can help them get things done faster, better, and more accurately than if they’re trying to juggle too many things at once.

You may find yourself needing to restructure your priorities – be sure to avoid heaping too much on someone all at once. Some businesses have taken to using incentive programs, rewarding efficient employees each time they accomplish a certain kind of goal. This won’t work in every scenario, but motivating people to focus can help them keep their mind on the job.

Final Thoughts

Nearly everyone wants to be more efficient with what they do – especially when efficiency is directly tied to productivity. Other people are simply looking for ways to meet a quota or make their daily work easier. Honestly, it doesn’t really matter why you want to be more efficient – the point is that you do, and that means being open to new ideas and changing the way things are done.

Finally, you’re the one in charge, but don’t forget to solicit ideas from your employees. Many workers have excellent ideas for how they could be more efficient, and these are always worth considering. No fuss and no nonsense – if it will work, do it.

photo credit: Sarah Cady via photopin cc

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