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How To Create A Morning Routine

Creating the perfect morning routine can help set the tone for the rest of your day. By developing a good morning habit, you can experience increased focus, workplace productivity, happiness, and more!

Below are 5 tips recommended by Jim Lenger, Amata Member and Founder of Guitar Chicago, on how to create your morning routine.

  1. Find your accountability partner
    It’s easy to get side tracked off your morning routine. That is why it is important that you have a friend, spouse, roommate, or co-worker check in on your progress. This can be an easy way for you to go over which parts of your routine are working and which area needs to be improved.
  2. Make goals
    Whether you are starting the day early with a new healthy lifestyle routine or easing your way into the day before heading to work, it doesn’t happen overnight; instead, build towards it. Start with simple goals you can accomplish every morning such as squats while brushing you teeth, 15 minute run around the block, or cook a nutritious meal before you walk out the door. The simple goal can lead you to your overarching goal.
  3. Begin with a reasonable schedule
    Don’t wake up extremely early out of your normal everyday schedule. Start getting up early a few days a week and gradually work your way up!
  4. Get Your Sleep
    Start your morning with 8 hours of sleep the night before. If you have to, be sure to set a few alarms prior to the time you need to be up- it’s ok, we all need the extra push at times.
  5. Keep it simple
    Don’t try to accomplish everything at once, instead, take it one step at a time. If you find yourself struggling, take a load off, whether it’s the early hours you keep or the amount of activity you try to accomplish in the morning.

Try these tips and see if you notice a difference in focus and productivity.

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