Office Space » What Makes the Perfect Office Space?

What Makes the Perfect Office Space?

What Makes the Perfect Office Space?

Okay, so what is the perfect office space? Well, there’s no one answer to that question – not in terms of absolute layout and design, anyway. The truly perfect office space is one that directly aligns with your needs and wants as a business, and a number of things will factor into this.

The Office That’s Right For You

Did you know that in a normal office, the average employee will spend about 10.4 minutes a day just trying to find a good meeting room? That’s about an hour wasted every day for every six employees your business has, and as few as 48 employees means that you’re effectively paying the wages of 48 people to get the work of 47. That’s not very efficient.

The ideal office space will cut down on distractions and allow you to focus on what’s truly important, including your plans for future growth and the technology you’d like to integrate with your everyday operations. There should always be enough room to get things done without waiting on others, so look at your personal needs when considering any individual space.

The Pieces of Perfection

Consider the following aspects of an office space when deciding whether or not you have perfection.

  • Layout and Design: How is the office shaped? Is there plenty of open space, or will you be forced into cubicles? An open space could cut down on the email volume within the office by as much as 50% – especially if the people who message each other the most often are placed inside of normal talking range. That’s more minutes saved every day, which means sharply increased productivity over time.
  • Technology: Does the office support modern technology or have it already installed? You need a robust electrical system if you plan to go tech-heavy, and that’s not even considering the amount of heat that equipment will be generating. Air-conditioning is a must for such facilities.
  • Amenities: What services are in your area? Your workers are not mindless drones, and keeping them happy is a critical component of success. So think about what they can access from the location. This includes elements like parking (closer is better, free is better yet), bus stops, green spaces, and local entertainment. Consider having a company outing to something fun every now and then, especially during the slowest times of the year.
  • Food: This is important enough to deserve its own section. Unless all of your employees bring food from home every day, then they’re probably going to go out of the office for lunch. They’ll be much happier if they have access to a variety of choices. Try to get an office in a location that matches your corporate culture. If everyone is paid well enough to enjoy sit-down restaurants, then you should make it easy for them to reach those places. Alternatively, if the budget’s tight, then keep an eye out for office locations that are closer to less-expensive restaurants.
  • Security: In a perfect world, everyone would always go home on-time. In reality, that doesn’t happen, so you’ll need to know about the security arrangements. If you’re leasing space in a larger building, the landlord may provide a security guard or two to keep an eye on things. If not, you should be able to install enough security of your own to protect your employees. Working alone late into the night is frightening enough without feeling actively vulnerable.
  • Transportation: This crosses with the amenities, but it’s important enough to think about. How easy is it to access the office by multiple means? Ideally, cars or buses will find it easy to access the area. Nobody should need to spend an extra hour on the bus each way just to get to and from work. Try to avoid requiring more than three blocks of walking. While you probably won’t have a bus stop right in front of the building (unless you’re part of a major complex), your employees shouldn’t need to walk farther than that.

Finding the Perfect Space

Don’t settle for “good enough” when picking out your office space. A great working environment will reduce costs, save time, increase productivity, and generally help you establish yourself as a company. Think about your individual needs as you tour the area, and don’t be afraid to visit a number of locations. Only you can decide what will truly work for your business. If you’d like to be more efficient, though, talk to us about what you’re looking for, and we’ll help you narrow down the list.

The right office space could save half an hour or more of productivity per-employee, per-day, and, most importantly, per-paycheck. You want, and need, the best office you can find.

photo credit: malcojojo via photopin cc