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3 Ways a Shared Office Can Expand Your Professional Network

3 Ways a Shared Office Can Expand Your Professional Network

What are today’s professionals looking for in a shared office environment? While a flashy design and trendy amenities might help get prospective members in the door, the majority of shared office users want their workplace to benefit them professionally, and one of the easiest ways to accomplish that is through networking.

As a result, those in the market for office space – including everyone from freelancers and entrepreneurs to employees of larger companies who work remotely – are paying close attention to what networking opportunities a shared office center has to offer, and how they might leverage those connections to grow their business and increase their bottom line.

In order to foster a sense of community and, in turn, boost the overall value of their services, shared office providers have expanded the ways through which members can interact and collaborate with their peers. These include:

  1. Member-only networks: Some shared office providers have developed their own intranet systems that allow professionals in the same center to connect virtually before meeting in person. Accessible via app or web browser, these networks function much like a private Facebook or LinkedIn group for members, providing a forum where they can post job openings, give referrals and, more generally, educate each other about their respective businesses. (Users can even pay rent and reserve conference rooms with a few swipes or clicks of the mouse.) Because some shared office users work irregular hours – which, in many cases, is what drew them to the shared office environment in the first place – they may not know what types of businesses have an office right down the hall. Other centers have virtual clients who work from home the majority of the time, so having a dedicated network that connects members who are not physically in the center at the same time enhances the overall experience.
  1. Special programming: Over the years, shared office centers have become much more than just a place to work. In order to stand out in an increasingly competitive market, many office providers have started hosting regular educational seminars, networking events and more casual get-togethers to connect members across a variety of industries. This built-in professional network, which differs from center to center, has become one of the biggest selling points of the shared office experience. Businesses small and large have realized the value of having so many experts under one roof, and they’re seeking out providers that not only encourage, but facilitate interaction among members.
  1. Social floor plans: On the surface, coffee bars and gaming areas are merely a source of entertainment for shared office users, offering respite from the 9 to 5 grind. But in giving people a reason to step away from their desk, even for 15 minutes, they also promote socialization outside of organized member events. This extends to other common areas as well. Today, office providers are carving out more space for lounges and flex areas where people have the ability to work without walling themselves off in their own private offices. The most successful centers are those that bring members together through design. These serendipitous encounters can boost productivity and, by extension, profitability by connecting freelancers and businesses with resources they didn’t even know they had.

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