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5 Social Media Marketing Tips For Small Business

5 Social Media Marketing Tips For Small Business

If you’re considering marketing your business through social media and don’t know where to start – or how to continue once you’ve begun – then this post is for you. I’ve compiled five quick tips from marketing pros, entrepreneurs, and even some of Amata’s own best practices to share for successful social media marketing for your small business or practice.

1)   You don’t have to be everywhere.

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, LinkedIn… I could go on and on. It seems like there is a new social media site every week, and it is easy to become overwhelmed. Instead, start with the top two or three sites you feel will best target your audience. You can always expand your presence later. The top three sites in terms of users are Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn (which, coincidentally – or not – are the three sites Amata uses).

2)   Have a plan and stick to it.

It can be easy to forget to update your profiles, so set aside a few minutes each week or at the beginning of each month to plan what you’ll share on social media. And keep these general guidelines in mind: Update Facebook and Twitter at least 2-3 times a week, but not all at the same time (e.g. 2-3 posts in a row).

3)   Keep your friends close…

What makes social media marketing successful is – you guessed it! – the social aspect. Be sure to like or follow your personal contacts, clients, prospects, vendors, industry associations and industry media. Comment on their posts and share their content. Hopefully they’ll return the favor.

4)   …But your competition closer.

Read the profiles of your competition. See what is working for them, who they’re following, and who is following them. It can give you ideas for additional social networking as well as help you plan your strategy to differentiate your business from theirs.

5)   Have fun.

All work and no play made Jack a dull boy, and it will do the same to your profiles. So while it’s important to promote your business, show your personal side, too. Share things like a behind-the-scenes photo of an employee lunch or outing, a striking view from your Chicago office, or philanthropic events in which you or your employees participate. Aim for a three-way split between posts promoting your business, educational updates (like sharing articles), and fun posts that reflect your business’s personality.

Once you’ve set up your social media profiles, be sure to connect with Amata on Facebook,Twitter and LinkedIn.

In our next blog post, Ron looks at when it is time to upgrade from a home office to a virtual office or shared office space. If you’re considering making the move to renting office space in Chicago, you’ll want to be sure to read it.

Until next time,

Frank Chalupa

President and Co-founder

Image By: Jason Howie

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