Ironically created and curated by a man who runs long-distance, Ron Bockstahler (CEO & Founder of Amata Law Office Suites).
A lot of people are giving advice right now. We’re overwhelmed by their invites to webinars, emails about new blog posts and articles, and we’re betting you’re overwhelmed too! This webinar series will cut through the noise.
We’ve invited all the professionals and experts who are giving attorneys advice to speak in one place: our weekly webinar series “The 90-Day Sprint.” By focusing on one concept each week, you can prepare your firm for success without feeling overwhelmed, or like you’re missing any information.
Over the next 90 days we will cover a handful of topics including:
- Cyber-security and ABA Rule 1.6
- Insurance practices for attorneys
- Marketing on the micro level and creating strategies on the macro
- Developing your client base
- Practice management software
- Time management and delegation
- Maximizing the use of paralegals
- Growing your brand
Come out of the next 90-days a better firm, and move ahead of the competition. Register for the Series.