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Planning A “Workation”? Here’s How A Shared Office Can Help

Law professional using smartphone to navigate successful strategies at a serene coastal retreat, symbolizing work-life balance for attorneys with flexible coworking office spaces.

It may be summer and prime vacation time, but as Americans work longer hours and use only a fraction of their paid-time off, some are turning to “workcations” that allow them to escape the daily grind without actually unplugging from their day-to-day responsibilities.

It’s a tactic being employed by workers across a variety of industries, but is especially appealing to entrepreneurs and freelancers with little, if any, vacation time.

Because a number of self-employed professionals are now working out of shared office centers, many are discovering how these full-service work environments can help them enjoy time away without taking time off.

Amata CEO Ron Bockstahler recently gave an overview of the services “workationers” can take advantage of in a contributed post for BizJournals.com. You can read the full story here.

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